It’s All About Hair — and ONLY Hair — at HK Salon Hollywood

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It’s All About Hair — and ONLY Hair — at HK Salon Hollywood

Hermine Kraljevic, a native of Vienna, was a top stylist in a well-known Miami Beach salon for 12 years when she was offered a chance to buy the business.  With her husband, Marco Cimmino, a Miami photographer and creative marketing manager, she decided to take it.  They rebranded as HK Salon, grew the business, and now are excited to expand to a second location at 1930-C Harrison Street in Downtown Hollywood.

“We were scouting for locations, hoping to find access to a different clientele,” he explained, “and we loved the vibe of Hollywood.  We see it as a vibrant, up-and-coming area. There’s a lot of exciting new development happening, and we think it’s a great place to connect with a stylish and creative clientele.”

To Kraljevic and Cimmino, HK Salon stands out in two ways: first because HK Salon does only — and everything related to — hair.

