Former chief shares Kettle Point culture in Hollywood

Former chief shares Kettle Point culture in Hollywood

Posted from, Feb 18, 2023

Reflections on the 50th Seminole Tribal Fair and Pow Wow held in Hollywood

A member of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation is reflecting on a fun-filled weekend at the 50th Seminole Tribal Fair and Pow Wow in Hollywood, Florida.

Former chief Jason Henry, who is Anishinaabe, attended the pow wow with his wife Cynthia and daughter Banaise-kwe from February 10 to 12.

He said it was a great experience. He was thrilled to be able to share in the culture and show off clothing, and a dance and sound style unique to the Great Lakes area.

“Particularly, southwestern Ontario, and the Three Fires Confederacy,” said Henry. “It was great to share the way we conduct ourselves with other people from across North America.

To read more about it, click here.
